Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
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In English
VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings
Bálint, Horváth [Horváth, Bálint (Körforgásos gazda...), szerk.]
Péter, Földi [Földi, Péter (Vállalkozásfinans...), szerk.] Gazdaság- és Társadalomtudományi Intézet (ÓE / KGK)
Angol nyelvű Konferenciakötet (Könyv) Tudományos
Megjelent: Óbudai Egyetem, Budapest, Magyarország, 150 p.
VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers 2021-02-26 [Budapest, Magyarország]
MTMT: 32176992
Legoza Attila. Beruházói stratégia tervezés projekt szervezet felállítására. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings
Legoza Attila. Project management challenges nowadays. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings
Fekete Eszter. Development and implementation of individual and organizational indicators in a large corporate environment. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings pp. 12-19
Gombos Nóra Julianna et al. Developement of Brand Identity Checklist for Banking Websites. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings pp. 20-27
Muhammad Shahadat Hussain et al. Information Technology: Ensuring Sustainability through Implementing Corporate Social Responsibility. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings pp. 28-36
Imricskó Péter. Failures in integrating startup companies. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings pp. 37-44
Könyves Melinda Katalin et al. Quality and environmental management – enhancing each other?. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings pp. 45-52
Gabriella Metszősy. Decision methodological aspects of social innovation issues. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings pp. 61-72
Shivaan Munnisunker. The Impact Artificial Intelligence Will Have on Economies, Firms and the Human Resources Strategies that can be Adopted for a Smooth Transition to an AI Advanced Economy. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings pp. 73-80
Tiblets Nguse et al. Microfinance: A Tool for Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Ethiopia. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings pp. 81-90
Csaba Péterfi. Options for using simulations in a company's supply chain. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings pp. 103-110
Yildirim Poyraz Anil et al. Understanding the Relationship Between Fair Competition and Sustainable Production. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings pp. 118-126
Sándorfi Gergő et al. Diffusion of Innovations Outside the Business World. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings pp. 127-133
Tarjáni Ariella Janka et al. A comprehensive study on workflow monitoring tools. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings pp. 134-142
Kovács Csaba József. Termékátvételi szokások alakulása a COVID-19 járvány idején. (2021) Megjelent: VII. International Winter Conference of Economics PhD Students and Researchers Conference Proceedings pp. 175-181
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