Dynamic, Time-Resolved Computed Tomography Angiography Technique to Characterize Aortic
Endoleak Type, Inflow and Provide Guidance for Targeted Treatment
Az orvos-, egészségtudományi- és gyógyszerészképzés tudományos műhelyeinek fejlesztése(EFOP-3.6.3-VEKOP-16-2017-00009)
Támogató: EFOP-VEKOP
Purpose: To illustrate dynamic, time-resolved CTA (d-CTA) imaging technique in characterizing
aortic endoleak type/inflow using quantitative parameters and its value in providing
image guidance for targeted treatment approach. Technique: Dedicated endoleak protocol
involved acquiring multiple time-resolved contrast enhanced scans using third-generation
CT scanner (Somatom Force (R), Siemens Healthineers). Parameters such as scan field
of view (FOV), kV, number/timing of scans were customized based on patient's body-mass-index,
timing bolus, and prior imaging findings. D-CTA image datasets were evaluated qualitatively
and quantitatively using time-attenuation curves (TAC) analysis after motion correction
using a dedicated software (syngo.via (R), Siemens). D-CTA findings from 4 illustrative
cases demonstrating type I, type II (inferior mesenteric and lumbar artery inflow),
and type III endoleak were illustrated. TAC analysis with time to peak parameter enabled
better characterization of endoleak type and inflow. During endoleak intervention,
target vessels from d-CTA images were electronically annotated and overlaid on fluoroscopy
using 2D-3D image fusion to provide image guidance for targeted treatment. Conclusion:
D-CTA imaging with TAC analysis characterizes aortic endoleak type and inflow, in
addition to providing image guidance for targeted endoleak treatment. Such dynamic,
time-resolved imaging techniques may provide further insights into understanding aortic
endoleak that remains an Achilles heel for endovascular aortic aneurysm repair.