Kheraiceras, this group of well-distinguishable Callovian tulitid ammonites is commonly
subordinated to Bullatimorphites, a similar, but morphologically and stratigraphically
differing genus. The species of their corresponding dimorphic pairs, Bomburites and
Sphaeroptychius, are also classified very differently by various authors. The confusion
has been partly caused by the presence of small so-called bullati' in the Late Bathonian
which are close to Bomburites in size and Bullatimorphites in morphology. From the
group of these small macroconchs, a new species Bullatimorphites (Bullatimorphites)
szontaghi n. sp. is introduced. The aim of the paper is to document the full generic
state of the morphologically and stratigraphically distinguished Kheraiceras and its
subgenerically classified microconch Bomburites. This is supported by descriptions
of species of both subgenera from the South Hungarian Mecsek and Villany Mts.