Tejipari esettanulmány

Nagy, Judit [Nagy, Judit (Gazdálkodástan, l...), author] Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Manage... (CUB / IFA); Jámbor, Zsófia [Jámbor, Zsófia (Logisztika), author] Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Manage... (CUB / IFA); Freund, Anna [Freund, Anna (ellátási lánc men...), author] Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Manage... (CUB / IFA)

Hungarian Study (Chapter in Book) Scientific
    • MTMT: 31931732
    Citation styles: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLCopyPrint
    2025-02-09 21:47