Rugalmasság, produktivitás vagy elszigeteltség? Avagy a COVID–19 hatása a felsőoktatásban
oktatók munkavégzésére = Flexibility, Productivity or Isolation? The Impact of COVID-19
on the Work of Lecturers in Higher Education
We examined the current situation and future ideas of digital/non-attendance forms
of education and teleworking in connection with the spring transition of higher education.
Our goal was to help higher education actors with our research as the changed circumstances,
digital education, home office work can create unprecedented difficulties and problems
which are a challenge for both educators and employers. In order to achieve the above
goals, we carry out the research program in several stages. In the study we present
an online survey conducted among the lecturers of the University of Pécs, the questionnaire
was filled in by 322 people. The lecturers and researchers of the university evaluated
working at home positively. At the same time, digital education is no substitute for
face-to-face encounters and it is also a greater challenge mentally. The workload
has increased as tasks had to be performed both at work and
home at the same time and place, either simultaneously or with task management tools.
The survey shows that the majority of lecturers are committed to developing digital
education. Therefore, we formulated proposals in the field of educational development,
the establishment of special services available to educators, and the further application
of the proven digital communication toolkit in organizational communication.