The pollutants emitted into the atmosphere may be transformed after certain time;
they can come out from the atmosphereas dry or wet deposition. The plantspeciescharacteristic
to the Ciuc basin is the pine, forming large forests that constitute the primary surface
deposition. According to that, dry deposition calculations have been carried out,based
on the pine forests. Regarding the deposition changes, PM10 and PM2.5 do not differ,
but their effects on the health are very different. This results especially from their
dimension and concentration. Their deleterious effect on the human health in the Ciuc
basin was examined through the relative risk factor. The results showed that people
are more disposed to cardiovascular diseases, lungcancer; acute and chronicrespiratory
diseases, asthma and other diseases. In addition, regarding the microclimate formation
(atmospheric stability) in the Ciuc basin, the atmospheric pollution does not concern
only the city of Miercurea Ciuc. The calculated risk factors are applied to the entire
population within the basin.