Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
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In English
IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society
IEEE [szerk.]
Angol nyelvű Konferenciakötet (Könyv) Tudományos
Megjelent: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Piscataway (NJ), Amerikai Egyesült Államok
42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, IECON 2016 2016-10-24 [Firenze, Olaszország]
MTMT: 3139672
Egyéb katalógus:
Műszaki és technológiai tudományok
Sbarbaro D et al. Dynamic output power optimization in hybrid PV/T panels. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 114-119
Chouaba S.E.A. et al. Identification of Continuous Time Linear Parameter Varying models based on Reinitialized Partial Moments. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 172-177
Zhirabok Alexey et al. Fault Diagnosis in Nonlinear Mechatronic Systems via Linear Methods. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 406-411
Giannoccaro Nicola Ivan et al. Decentralized neuro-fuzzy control of an experimental web transport platform. (2016) Megjelent: IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society pp. 518-523
Turk D. et al. Experimental validation of a combined global and local LPV system identification approach with ℓ2,1-norm regularization. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 553-558
Hiroyuki Chinbe et al. Haptic threshold for pulling force feedback on surgeon’s fingertip in medical robotic systems. (2016) Megjelent: IECON 2016 - 42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society pp. 767-772
R Pagano et al. Modeling of planar coils for wireless power transfer systems including substrate effects. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 1129-1136
Pappu RK et al. An improvised algorithm for capacitor voltage balancing of symmetrically cascaded floating capacitor H-bridge inverter. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 3241-3246
Bertelsmeier F et al. A HRRN based scheduling for FMS and RMS with networked control and product-intelligence. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 4857-4862
Astarloa A et al. Intelligent gateway for industry 4.0-compliant production. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 4902-4907
Hamdi Takoua et al. Glycemic evolution of type 1 diabetic patients is a chaotic phenomenon. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 5177-5181
Carlsson O et al. Configuration service in cloud based automation systems. (2016) Megjelent: IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society pp. 5238-5245
D'Elia A et al. Electro Mobility automation through the Arrowhead Framework. (2016) Megjelent: IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society pp. 5246-5252
Dai W et al. Enabling plug-and-play software components in industrial cyber-physical systems by adopting service-oriented architecture paradigm. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 5253-5258
Hegedus Csaba et al. Enhancements of the Arrowhead Framework to Refine Inter-cloud Service Interactions. (2016) Megjelent: IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society pp. 5259-5264
Balint Peceli et al. Integrating an Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment with the Arrowhead Framework. (2016) Megjelent: IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society pp. 5271-5276
Oscar Carlsson et al. Organizing IoT systems-of-systems from standardized engineering data. (2016) Megjelent: IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society pp. 5277-5282
Hastbacka D et al. Service-based condition monitoring for cloud-enabled maintenance operations. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 5289-5295
Bukala Jakub et al. Numerical Optimization and Design Study of Small Wind Turbine Mast Structure. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 5562-5567
Jokinen J et al. Integrating smart city services using Arrowhead framework. (2016) Megjelent: IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society pp. 5568-5573
Xiong Ning et al. Towards a framework for online modeling and optimization of airflow and temperature distribution in server rooms of data centers. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 5597-5602
Jokinen J et al. Condition monitoring for distributed systems with reconfigurable user interfaces and data permissions. (2016) Megjelent: IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society pp. 5705-5710
Fantini P et al. Exploring the integration of the human as a flexibility factor in CPS enabled manufacturing environments: Methodology and results. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 5711-5716
Calà A et al. Towards industrial exploitation of innovative and harmonized production systems. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 5735-5740
Villone Fabio et al. Nonlinear Modelling of the Effects of Plasma Perturbations in Tokamaks A quantitative approach. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 6370-6374
Vega J et al. Review of Disruption Predictors in Nuclear Fusion: classical, from scratch and anomaly detection approaches. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 6375-6379
Buscarino A et al. Temperature model identification on FTU liquid lithium limiter. (2016) Megjelent: IECON 2016-42nd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society pp. 6380-6384
Zhang X-M et al. On tighter estimation of the time derivative of Lyapunov-Krasovskii functionals and stability criteria for time-delay systems. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 6806-6811
Indri M et al. Development of a general friction identification framework for industrial manipulators. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 6859-6866
Yang Hongyan et al. Multivariate Statistic Methods for Predicting Electricity Consumption of Beijing. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the IECON 2016 pp. 7197-7202
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