Challenges and Lessons Learned during the Initial Implementation of EU Urban Mobility Policy in Bulgarian Cities in the period 2007–2017

Madzhirski, Vasil; Dimitrova, Elena

Angol nyelvű Szakcikk (Folyóiratcikk) Tudományos
Megjelent: CORVINUS REGIONAL STUDIES 2061-8646 4 (1-2) pp. 83-97 2019
    • MTMT: 31393178
    • Gazdaságföldrajz
    • Humán és társadalomföldrajz
    • Kulturális és gazdaságföldrajz
    • Térinformatika, térképészet
    The paper addresses the challenges that Bulgarian cities of today face in developing strategic planning instruments for sustainable mobility. Large Bulgarian cities have been developing integrated urban transport projects (IUTP) since the previous programming period (2007–2013); the plans should be upgraded during the current programming period (2014–2020). The sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMP), developed as strategic instruments of EU urban policy, have been already acknowledged by many cities in the country as part of the overall strategic development framework. Yet, the efforts of local authorities in taking action for mobility improvement have in some cases faced lack of awareness on urgent local imperatives and contradictory views among different stakeholders on the way to overcome difficulties. The analysis undertaken by the authors aims to outline: (a) the effectiveness of the policy measures already introduced in the country; (b) the opportunities for a more effective implementation of EU urban policy instruments; and (c) the degree to which local public authorities appreciate citizens’ involvement in the process as an important success factor. Conclusions are drawn about the importance of lessons learned on both sides – by Bulgarian urban authorities and experts, in developing current mobility development framework; and by EU policies in supportively addressing the spatial, economic and socio–cultural context of urban mobility policy implementation in Bulgaria.
    Hivatkozás stílusok: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLMásolásNyomtatás
    2024-09-07 20:40