Practical 5G KPI Measurement Results on a Non-Standalone Architecture

Soos, Gabor [Soós, Gábor (távközlés), szerző] Távközlési és Médiainformatikai Tanszék (BME / VIK); Ficzere, Daniel [Ficzere, Dániel (Informatika), szerző] Távközlési és Médiainformatikai Tanszék (BME / VIK); Varga, Pal [Varga, Pál (távközlés, infoko...), szerző] Távközlési és Médiainformatikai Tanszék (BME / VIK); Szalay, Zsolt [Szalay, Zsolt (Járműtudomány), szerző] Gépjárműtechnológia Tanszék (BME / KJK)

Angol nyelvű Konferenciaközlemény (Könyvrészlet) Tudományos
    While mobile network operators have started announcing their 5G-capable network implementations, practical details of their capabilities are not widely supported through measurements. This paper describes a practically implemented 5G architecture - based on the 5G Option 3x reference model - and initial results on its KPI (Key Performance Indicator) measurements.Beside being matched against the 5G network expectations, the results are compared to our actual hands-on 4G network measurements. The analysis of the 5G testbed result shows that - as expected - 5G outperforms 4G in all basic KPIs, including up- and downlink throughput as well as latency. Furthermore, the practical measurement results on this non-standalone 5G architecture show that - when traffic preferences are configured well - latency and jitter are not significantly affected by the load of the cell or the core network. This is a long-awaited proof on 5G KPI promises coming true.
    Hivatkozás stílusok: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLMásolásNyomtatás
    2025-02-17 18:33