Car race’ with buildings… ‘cube house’ refurbishment in Hungary - A new design approach in the framework of Solar Decathlon 19 Competition

MODAR, ALI [Ali, Modar (building energy), author] Breuer Marcel Doctoral School (UP / DS); Energy-Design Research Group (UP / SZRC); ISTVÁN, KISTELEGDI [Kistelegdi, István (energiadesign), author] Épületszerkezetek-Energiadesign Tanszék (UP / FEIT / ÉSZI); Energy-Design Research Group (UP / SZRC)

English Abstract (Chapter in Book) Scientific
    • MTMT: 31241140
    • Architecture engineering
    Citation styles: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLCopyPrint
    2025-02-11 00:16