Witnesses of the Shoah

Jancsák, Csaba [Jancsák, Csaba (társadalomtudomán...), author] Társadalomismereti szakcsoport (USZ / JGYPK / ATIKI); Képiró, Ágnes; Szőnyi, Eszter

English Abstract (Conference paper) Scientific
    • MTMT: 30790881
    • MTA Tantárgy-pedagógiai Program(SZ-009/2016)
    • Educational sciences
    Our research team was founded in 2016 at the University of Szeged, supported by Hungarian Academy of Sciences. According to our credo, “fact-based” education development is essential, as well as to embalm historical thinking and the collective historical memory. Similarly, to other Central-Eastern European countries, several historical events of the 20th century, such as the Holocaust, are unspoken today in Hungary and rarely discussed in depth in education, which causes lots of frustration to the students and teachers. In the present project, we argue that digital materials should be incorporated into history teaching, which is especially important in the age of the digital generation. Our research explores the application of digital materials, using video testimonies of Holocaust survivors in formal education – and their impact on attitudes of the students.
    Citation styles: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLCopyPrint
    2025-02-09 09:27