Gépészmérnöki tudományok és gyártástervezés (alakítás, szerelés, csatlakozás, szétválasztás)
Műszaki és technológiai tudományok
The existing models of undeformed chip thickness for face milling found in the literature
neglect the radial rake angle of the tool, and they assume that its value is zero.
The effect of the variation of the radial rake angle has not yet been discussed in
the literature. As a novelty, this article investigates such an effect, especially
the effect on chip thickness. A new tool model is proposed that takes into account
the radial rake angle. A new method to calculate the chip thickness has been developed
that uses the new tool model and is based on several existing numerical and approximation
methods. It is analytically proved that the effect of the radial rake angle must be
taken into account for calculating accurate results; however, in the case of lower
feed rates, that effect is insignificant. The presented procedures are evaluated with
respect to their accuracy and computing requirements. The proposed new methods have
been verified by cutting experiments.