Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
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In English
GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences
Hatvani, IG [Hatvani, István Gábor (Környezettudomány), szerk.] Földtani és Geokémiai Intézet (HRN CSFK); Lendület 2ka Paleoklíma Kutatócsoport (HRN CSFK / FGI)
Tanos, P [Tanos, Péter (Környezettudomány), szerk.] Mechanikai és Géptani Intézet (SZIE / GEK)
Fedor, F [Fedor, Ferenc (kőzetfizika), szerk.]
Angol nyelvű Konferenciakötet (Könyv) Tudományos
Megjelent: Regional Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences at Pécs, Pécs, Magyarország, 65 p.
21thCongress of Hungarian Geomathematicians 2019-05-16 [Pécs, Magyarország]
MTMT: 30681384
Teljes dokumentum:
Hatvani IG et al. Limitations of spectral analysis of time series with timescale error and variable temporal resolution. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences p. 14
Albert G. et al. Datamining the Santonian dinosaur bonebed of Iharkút, Hungary. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences p. 17
Péter Szabó et al. Investigation of geochemical-microbiological processes in the Drava River floodplain based on environmental geochemical data. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences pp. 22-22
Elek István. A redundance-free topology preserving data structure. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences pp. 23-24
Németh Andor. Geostatistical analysis of Raman spectrographic data of the Chelyabinsk meteorite. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences pp. 31-31
Molnár Márk. Big Data in Geosciences –Challenges and Novelties. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences p. 33
Magyar N et al. Assessment of the groundwater bodies in the vicinity of Lake Fertő/Neusiedler See using multivariate data analysis methods. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences p. 34
Hervai András et al. The influence of Danube on the groundwater system in Mohacs Island. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences p. 35
Tanos P et al. Stochastic analysis ofdifferent homogeneous river sections at seasonalresolutionon the River Tisza. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences p. 37
Anita Csábrági et al. Investigation of data structure in application of neural networks. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences pp. 38-38
Byambasuren Turtogtokh. Application of the fuzzy c-mean cluster analysis over the Yamaat gold deposit in Mongolia. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences p. 48
Abordán Armand. Reducing the uncertainty of parameter estimation for the interval inversion method using factor analysis. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences p. 49
Sahar Saeidi et al. Analysing land use change and geomorphometric parameters in small watersheds. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences pp. 51-51
Modrovits Kamilla et al. Analysis of karst water recovery time series in a former mining area, Hungary. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences p. 54
Erdélyi D et al. Tritium isoscape of precipitation across the Adriatic-Pannonian realm. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences p. 55
Vágó Cs et al. Late Pleistocene deglaciation and paleoclimate in the Rau Barbat valley, Retezat Mountains, Southern Carpathians. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences p. 57
Tapody RO et al. Environment development of a Transylvanian peat bog derives from geochemical analysis. (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences p. 59
Kern Z et al. Interannual fluctuation of xylem cellulose content of three tree species (2012-2017; Romania). (2019) Megjelent: GEOMATES 2019. International Congress on Geomathematics in Earth-& Environmental Sciences p. 63
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