(Gróf Bethlen István Kutatóközpont „Modern városok Magyarországon" program)
Társadalom- és gazdaságföldrajz
Területfejlesztés és építészet, földhasználat, regionális tervezés
The issues of urban development in Hungary have been receiving increasing attention
recently, while the directions and institutional frameworks of regional policy are
constantly changing. In this study, we discuss the contents and connotations associated
with the concept of major cities in Hungarian territorial policy, and we also examine
the changes in the position of these cities within the urban system. Major cities
play a key role in territorial development by generating spatial processes, so it
is of critical importance what weight and direction these centres with their complex
functions are assigned in development concepts. Any design or even the restructuring
of spatial processes takes time. Since the democratic transition in 1989-90, cities
have been given inconsistent development goals in short order. Cities have not been
able to adapt to these constantly changing goals.