The Hungarian Scientific Bibliography
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Hydrocarbons in Hungary.
Kovács, Zs. [Kovács, Zsolt (Geológia, geofizika), ed.]
Babinszki, E [Babinszki, Edit (Geológia), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Bauer, M [Bauer, Márton (Földtudományok), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Budai, T. [Budai, Tamás (Geológia), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Bujdosó, É. [Kóborné Bujdosó, Éva (Geológia, Geofizika), author]
Cserkész-Nagy, Á. [Cserkész-Nagy, Ágnes (földtudomány), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Gulyás, Á. [Gulyás, Ágnes (földtudomány), author]
Gyuricza, Gy. [Gyuricza, György (földtan), author]
Herczeg, A.
Herczeg, Zs.
Herceg, A. Jun.
Jencsel, H
Kercsmár, Zs. [Kercsmár, Zsolt (Földtan, Őslénytan), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Kiss, J. [Kiss, János (Geofizika), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Kovács, G. [Kovács, Gábor (Geológia), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Kovács, Zs. [Kovács, Zsolt (Geológia, geofizika), author]
Kozma, P.
Lendvay, P.
Maigut, V [Maigut, Vera (GIS, térképészet), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Maros, Gy. [Maros, Gyula (geológia), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Müller, T.
Orosz, L. [Orosz, László (földtudomány, GIS), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Ó., Kovács L.
Paszera, Gy.
Plank, Zs. [Plank, Zsuzsanna (Geofizika), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Selmeczi, I. [Selmeczi, Ildikó (Geológia), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Szamosfalvi, Á. [Szamosfalvi, Ágnes (Földtudomány), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Takács, E. [Takács, Ernő (Szeizmika), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Thamó-Bozsó, E. [Thamóné Bozsó, Edit (Geológia), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Tiszavári, S.
Veres, I.
Vértesy, L. [Vértesy, László (földtudományok), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
Zilahi-Sebess, L. [Zilahi-Sebess, László József (Mélyfúrási-geofizika), author] Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary
English Monograph (Book) Scientific
Published: Hungarian Energy and Public Utility Regulatory Authority, Bp, Hungary, 330 p.
MTMT: 30469838
Teljes dokumentum:
Kovács Zs. et al. Historic overview of Hydrocarbon exploration and production in Hungary. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 9-19
BUDAI T. et al. Geology of Hungary – an introduction to the geology of sub-basins.. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 21-29
Kovács Zs.. Hydrocarbon geological introduction to the description of Hungarian sub-basins. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 31-37
Selmeczi Ildikó. Hydrocarbon exploration areas in Hungary – Northern Transdanubia – Little Hungarian Plain (Danube Basin).. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 39-53
Selmeczi Ildikó. Hydrocarbon exploration areas in Hungary – South Transdanubia – Zala Basin and Dráva Basin.. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 55-81
Babinszki E. et al. Hydrocarbon exploration areas in Hungary - Szeged Basin and the Kiskunság. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 83-105
Babinszki E. et al. Hydrocarbon exploration areas in Hungary - The Battonya-Pusztaföldvár High and the Békés Neogene Basin. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 107-121
THAMÓ-BOZSÓ E. Hydrocarbon exploration areas in Hungary — The northern part of the Nagykunság area with flysch basement.. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 123-143
THAMÓ-BOZSÓ E.. Hydrocarbon exploration areas in Hungary — The southern part of the Nagykunság area.. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 145-164
Selmeczi Ildikó. Hydrocarbon exploration areas in Hungary – Bihar.. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 165-178
CSERKÉSZ-NAGY Á. et al. Hydrocarbon exploration areas in Hungary — Nyírség sub-basin.. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 179-188
Babinszki E. et al. Hydrocarbon exploration areas in Hungary - The Hungarian Palaeogene Basin. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 189-205
Jencsel H. et al. Exploration and production methods. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 207-214
Kovács Zs. et al. Unconventional hydrocarbon occurences in Hungary. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 215-233
Kovács Zs.. Hydrocarbon resources in Hungary. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 235-248
Ó. KOVÁCS L. et al. Concession tendering.. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 251-254
Kovács G. et al. Data supply of the Mining and Geological Survey of Hungary supporting hydrocarbon exploration.. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 293-300
Kovács G. et al. MBFSZ data supply supporting hydrocarbon exploration. (2018) In: Hydrocarbons in Hungary. pp. 293-300
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