Twenty years in „Bologna”. Higher education as means of Europeanisation in light of
government’s measures
In 2018 and 2019, after thirty years of establishment of Magna Charta Universitatum,
and after twenty years of Sorbonne Declaration and Bologna Declaration, it is an excellent
opportunity to assess the so-called Bologna Process. Many works are reachable in the
scientific literature, which offers an overview as well as a detailed analysis, sometimes
criticism of this great and challenging undertaking to harmonize the different European
higher education systems and to evolve the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
While these works research this phenomenon on the ground of effects on the programme
design, institutional system and operation, the present study offers a specific point
of view. It surveys the several measures of Hungarian Government from the beginning
until today. The study presents how the Government prepared the introduction of Bologna
system. It also presents fails and problems of implementation, the results the pressure,
which the HEIs experienced from the Government. The study also mentions the change
of opinions of the new Government in 2010 and helps to recognize the inconsistency
with the political statements and strategical documents as well as the regulations.
The discrepancy with the European and Hungarian (2020) strategies also appears.