The program for the final disposal of low and intermediate level radioactive waste
was established by Paks Nuclear Power Plant, Hungary. Preparation of final disposal
has been done as part of a national program since 1993. The Central Nuclear Financial
Fund and the Public Limited Company for Radioactive Waste Management (PURAM) have
been established to coordinate organizations and activities for all tasks in connection,
with nuclear waste treatment. The selected potential host rock is a granite complex
in the Moragy Granite Formation in the south-western part of Hungary, close to the
village of Bataapati. During the construction of the Bataapati radioactive waste repository
the drill and blast excavation method was used. During the periodic verification of
the blasting process, passive seismoacoustic monitoring systems were applied. Based
on these measurements it was possible to set and supervise accurately the blasting
quality in order to minimize the damage to the rock in vicinity of the tunnel contour.
Cautious blasting is needed to minimize the Highly Damaged Zone. The aim of this paper
is to present the measuring analysis methodologies of the acquired data. Details will
be explained on the dynamic numerical modeling results, on the site-specific attenuations
and the blasting effects on the extension and behavior of Excavation Damage Zones.