Galectin-1 is a local but not systemic immunomodulatory factor in mesenchymal stromal cells

Fajka-Boja, R [Fajka-Boja, Roberta (Molekuláris és se...), author] Institute of Genetics; Urban, VS [Suhajdáné Urbán, Veronika (Morfológia), author] Department of Morphology and Physiology (SU / FHS); Szebeni, GJ [Szebeni, Gábor (Immunológia), author] Institute of Genetics; Czibula, A [Czibula, Ágnes (Molekuláris genetika), author] Institute of Genetics; Blasko, A [Blaskó, Andrea (genetika), author] Institute of Genetics; Kriston-Pal, E [Kriston-Pál, Éva (tumorbiológia), author] Institute of Genetics; Makra, I [Makra, Ildikó (biológia), author] MTA-SZTE Lendulet Foldamer Research Group (SZTE / FP / DPhA); Hornung, A [Hornung, Ákos (immunológia), author] Institute of Genetics; Department of Rheumatology and Immunology (SZTE / ASZMS); Szabo, E [Szabó, Enikő (genetika), author] Institute of Genetics; Uher, F [Uher, Ferenc (Őssejtbiológia, i...), author]; Than, NG [Than, Nándor Gábor (Rendszerbiológia), author] Enzim_416 (IMLS); Monostori, E ✉ [Monostori, Éva (Immunológia), author] Institute of Genetics

English Article (Journal Article) Scientific
Published: CYTOTHERAPY 1465-3249 1477-2566 18 (3) pp. 360-370 2016
  • SJR Scopus - Cancer Research: Q2
  • Biological basis of immunity related disorders (e.g. autoimmunity)
  • Immunological memory and tolerance
  • Immunosignalling
  • Environmental biotechnology
  • Medical engineering
BACKGROUND AIMS: Mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs) have powerful immunosuppressive activity. This function of MSCs is attributed to plethora of the expressed immunosuppressive factors, such as galectin-1 (Gal-1), a pleiotropic lectin with robust anti-inflammatory effect. Nevertheless, whether Gal-1 renders or contributes to the immunosuppressive effect of MSCs has not been clearly established. Therefore, this question was the focus of a complex study. METHODS: MSCs were isolated from bone marrows of wild-type and Gal-1 knockout mice and their in vitro anti-proliferative and apoptosis-inducing effects on activated T cells were examined. The in vivo immunosuppressive activity was tested in murine models of type I diabetes and delayed-type hypersensitivity. RESULTS: Both Gal-1-expressing and -deficient MSCs inhibited T-cell proliferation. Inhibition of T-cell proliferation by MSCs was mediated by nitric oxide but not PD-L1 or Gal-1. In contrast, MSC-derived Gal-1 triggered apoptosis in activated T cells that were directly coupled to MSCs, representing a low proportion of the T-cell population. Furthermore, absence of Gal-1 in MSCs did not affect their in vivo immunosuppressive effect. CONCLUSIONS: These results serve as evidence that Gal-1 does not play a role in the systemic immunosuppressive effect of MSCs. However, a local contribution of Gal-1 to modulation of T-cell response by direct cell-to-cell interaction cannot be excluded. Notably, this study serves a good model to understand how the specificity of a pleiotropic protein depends on the type and localization of the producing effector cell and its target.
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