Szólító szavak = The Power of Words

Tóth, Sára [Tóth, Sára (Northrop Frye, Ir...), ed.]; Kókai, Nagy Viktor [Kókai-Nagy, Viktor (teológia), ed.] Debrecen Reformed Theological University; Marjai, Éva [Marjai, Éva (Irodalomtudomány), ed.] Doctoral School in Literary Studies (PPCU); Mudriczki, Judit [Mudriczki, Judit, ed.] Department of Literary and Cultural Studies in ... (KRE / FHSS); Turi, Zita [Turi, Zita (Irodalomtudomány), ed.] Doctoral School of Literary Studies (ELTE / EUL FoH); Arday-Janka, Judit [ed.]

Hungarian and English Study collection (Book) Scientific
Published: KRE, L'Harmattan (Budapest); L'Harmattan Publishing, Bp, Hungary, 624 p. 2015
Series: Károli Könyvek 2062-9850
    Citation styles: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLCopyPrint
    2025-02-11 21:38