Megjelent: Springer Netherlands, New York, Amerikai Egyesült Államok, London, Egyesült Királyság / Anglia, Dordrecht, Hollandia, Heidelberg, Németország, 368 p. 2015
This book examines new classical macroeconomics from a comparative and critical point
of view that confronts the original texts and later comments as a first dimension
comparison. The second dimension appears in a historical context, since none of the
new classical doctrines can be analyzed ignoring the parallelism and discrepancies
with the theory of Keynes, Friedman or Phelps. Radicalism of new classical macroeconomics
has brought fundamental changes in economic thought, but the doctrines got vulgarized
and distorted thanks to the mass of followers. Nowadays, economic theory and
policy, trying to find their ways, have a less clear relationship than ever. Therefore,
this volume is aimed at mapping and reconsidering the policy instruments and
transmission mechanisms offered by the new classicals. Its central question points
to the real nature of new classical macroeconomics: what consequences are grounded
by the
assumptions new classicals used. Moreover, issues raised by automatic fiscal stabilizers
and fiscal reforms are analyzed as well, even if they were out of the range of classical
texts. The book draws a picture of new classical macroeconomics stressing
the analogies with Keynesian countercyclical policies, instead of the discrepancies
commonly held.