A revised Eurogondwana model: Late Cretaceous notosuchian crocodyliforms and other vertebrate taxa suggest the retention of episodic faunal links between Europe and Gondwana during most of the Cretaceous

Rabi, M ✉ [Rabi, Márton (őslénytan), author] Department of Palaeontology (ELTE / ELU FoS); MTA-ELTE Lendület Dinosaur Research Group (ELTE / ELU FoS); Sebők, N

English Article (Journal Article) Scientific
Published: GONDWANA RESEARCH 1342-937X 1878-0571 28 (3) pp. 1197-1211 2015
  • SJR Scopus - Geology: D1
  • (1-38045 PD 73021 NF 84193) Funder: HSRF
  • MTA-ELTE Lendulet Dinosaur Research Group(95102)
  • Earth and related Environmental sciences
Citation styles: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLCopyPrint
2025-01-19 07:11