Model-based healthcare applications at Obuda University

L, Kovács [Kovács, Levente (Irányítástechnika), author] Institute of Informatics Systems (ÓU / NJFCS); J, Sápi [Sápi, Johanna (Egészségügyi mérnök), author] Applied Informatics and Applied Mathematics Doc... (ÓU); Gy, Eigner [Eigner, György (Mérnöki tudományok), author]; T, Ferenci [Ferenci, Tamás (Biostatisztika), author]; P, Szalay [Szalay, Péter (irányítástechnika), author] Department of Control Engineering and Informati... (BUTE / FEEI); J, Klespitz [Klespitz, József (orvostechnika), author]; B, Kurtán; M, Kozlovszky [Kozlovszky, Miklós (Informatika, tele...), author] Institute of Informatics Systems (ÓU / NJFCS); D A, Drexler [Drexler, Dániel András (Irányítástechnika), author] Department of Control Engineering and Informati... (BUTE / FEEI); P, Pausits; I, Harmati [Harmati, István (Irányításelmélet), author] Department of Control Engineering and Informati... (BUTE / FEEI); Z, Sápi [Sápi, Zoltán (Patológia), author] I. Department of Pathology and experimental Can... (SU / FM / I); I, Rudas [Rudas, Imre (Intelligens rends...), author]

English Conference paper (Chapter in Book) Scientific
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