Time-of-Flight Neutron Diffraction for Long Pulse Neutron Sources

Mezei, F [Mezei, Ferenc (Fizika), author] Neutron Spectroscopy Department (SZFKI); Russina, M; Kali, G [Káli, György (Neutronspektroszk...), author] Neutron Spectroscopy Department (SZFKI)

English Article (Journal Article) Scientific
Published: NEUTRON NEWS 1044-8632 1931-7352 23 (1) pp. 29-31 2012
  • SJR Scopus - Atomic and Molecular Physics, and Optics: Q3
  • Physical sciences
Citation styles: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLCopyPrint
2025-01-23 04:44