Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
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In English
Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education
Karlovitz, János Tibor [Karlovitz, János Tibor (Neveléselmélet és...), szerk.] Tanárképző Intézet (ME / BTK)
Angol nyelvű Konferenciakötet (Könyv) Tudományos
Megjelent: Association of Educational Sciences, Budapest, Magyarország, 66 p.
Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education 2008-05-23 [Fürstenfeld, Ausztria]
MTMT: 1468917
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Árpási Zoltán. Education and medical tourism in Hungary. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education pp. 13-14
Bábosik Z. Revamping technical education. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education p. 14
Csereklye Erzsébet. On high school dropout of minority students. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education pp. 19-19
Dancsó Tünde. Quantitative analysis of the IT skills of 15-year-old students.. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education p. 20
Dezső Renáta Anna. How we see ourselves and one another: Educational Consequences of Some Micro Studies on the Ethnical Identification of Teenager and Adult Students at a Roma/Gypsy Nationality Secondary Grammar School. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education pp. 21-21
Helga Dorner et al. Efficacy of the international eTwinning program. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education p. 22
Hercz Mária. Differences between the Teachers’ Thinking about Children’s Cognitive Improvement. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education p. 27
Horváth H Attila. Adolescents’ Opinion about Friendship and Conscience. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education pp. 29-29
Karlovitz János Tibor. Religious Education. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education pp. 31-31
Keszthelyi A.. Theory and Practice in the Education of Informatics. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education pp. 34-34
Zsuzsa Koltai. Comparative History of Museum Education. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education p. 36
Zsuzsa Kőműves et al. The importance of experiental learning techniques in preparing students of helping professionals. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education p. 38
Mócz Dóra. A Comparison of the Categories of the Higher Education Quality Award and Award for Vocational Training in Hungary: a Possible Way To Knowledge Accrediation. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education pp. 43-43
Nagyné Árgány Brigitta. Seeds of equality in music education. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education pp. 46-46
Ovárdics A. How Health Geography can be built into the subjects at Teachers Training College. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education pp. 49-49
Róbert Pap-Szigeti et al. Congruence examination of NXT robots in the education of programming in KF GAMF College. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education p. 52
Melinda Pető Csima. The Selectional Mechanisms of School Health Promotion. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education pp. 54-54
Judit Torgyik. Die Roma Schüler in den Schulen. (2008) Megjelent: Current issues in education: 1st International Conference for Theory and Practice in Education pp. 61-61
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