Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára
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ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research"
Dékány, Imre [Dékány, Imre (Kolloidkémia, any...), szerk.] Fizikai Kémiai és Anyagtudományi Tanszék (SZTE / TTIK / KTCS)
Magyar, Angol, Szerb és Román nyelvű Konferenciakötet (Könyv) Tudományos
Megjelent: MTA Szegedi Területi Bizottság, Szeged, Magyarország, 219 p.
ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" 2010-10-13 [Szeged, Magyarország]
MTMT: 1448124
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Árpád Ferencz et al. Influetinal factors of customers' decisions. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research"
H HORVÁTH. Effect of storage conditions on the colour characteristics of paprika powders. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research"
Máté Zs et al. Alterations in the central nervous system caused by intratracheal instillation of MN, in aspects of neurophysiology and molecular biology. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research"
Molnár G B et al. How to lead deliveries after endoscopic myomectomies?. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research"
Nagy G et al. Characterization of HMG-CoA reductase genes in Mucor circinelloides. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research"
Nagy Zoltán et al. Aluminium activates the chloroplastic glutamine synthetase in wheat. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research"
Oszlánczi G et al. Acute distribution of magnetic fluids stabilized by different ways studied in rats. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research"
Pető Andrea et al. Metal content and nitric oxide (NO) production in the roots of heavy metal-treated pea plants. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research"
Szabolcs Takács et al. Behavioral and electrophysiological effects of oral manganese exposure recorded in rats with chronically implanted cortical electrodes. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research"
Pászka Imre. Regió, regionalizmus: 11 th International Symposium Interdisciplinary Regional Research (ISIRR) 2010. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" pp. 1-12
Vránics ldikó et al. Orvosi Laboratoriumi Diagnosztika - teljesitményelemzés Magyarország 2008-2009.. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" pp. 1-24
Butnaru G et al. Effects of sowing time on stem rust infections in Hungarian and Romanian winter wheat cultivars under artificial infection condition. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 6
Horvath F et al. Nitric oxide modulates guard cell photosynthesis. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 10
G Csizmarik et al. Changes of the water quality in the Szarvas – Kákafok deadarm. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 19
Manikandan P et al. Fusarium keratitis in South India: a retrospective study in the Aravind Eye Hospital, Coimbatore. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 20
Csiszár J et al. Peroxidase activities and expression level during osmotic stress in roots of wheat genotypes differing in drought tolerance. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" pp. 24-24
Grózer ZsB et al. IDENTIFICATION OF THE BIOSYNTHETIC PATHWAY OF PGE2 IN CANDIDA PARAPSILOSIS OLE2 DELETION MUTANTS. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 26
Horváth FP et al. Candida parapsilosis secreted aspartyl proteases as virulence factors in host-pathogen interactions. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 27
András Papp et al. Interactions of nanoparticles and living organisms: Toxic and other effects. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" pp. 28-28
Szepesi Á et al. Oxidative stress responses of salicylic acid pre-treated tomato plants during salt stress. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" pp. 30-30
Tari I et al. Improvement of salt stress acclimation of tomato by salicylic acid: the role of osmotic adaptation. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" pp. 31-31
Sándor Beszédes et al. Reverse osmosis concentration of meat industry wastewater prior to anaerobic digestion. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" pp. 44-44
Cecilia Hodúr et al. Biogas from wastewater sludge. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" pp. 45-45
Biljana Pajin et al. Quality cream products with the addition of emulsifiers from different sources. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" pp. 51-51
Papp Cs et al. Host response to Candida parapsilosis infection. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 80
Zs Rácz et al. Uptaking of macro-nutrients cucumber hydroponic production. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 81
P Simándi et al. Comparison of material transformation processes in composts prepared by different methods. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 82
Kocsubé S et al. In vitro susceptibility of some human pathogenic bacteria to purified components of an antibiotic complex.. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 87
Galgóczy L et al. In vitro interaction between phenothiazines and amphotericin B against different Candida species. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 91
Gallé Á et al. Characterisation of function and regulation of glutathione transferases in wheat species exposed to PEG induced osmotic stress. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 92
Horváth E et al. Abscisic aldehyde oxidase activity and gene expression levels in salicylic acid pre-treatment and subsequent NaCl stress. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" pp. 93-93
Kovács L et al. Identification of thaumatin-like protein encoding genes in Rhizomucor isolates. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 94
Hatvani L et al. Trichoderma green mould of cultivated pleurotus ostreatus in Hungary and Spain. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 95
Krizsán K et al. Susceptibility of the human pathogenic Bipolaris species to various antifungal agents. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 97
Nyilasi I et al. Comparison of the primycin production of some bacterial mutant strains under different cultivation parameters.. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 103
Petkovits T et al. Phylogenetic studies on the filamentous fungal genus Mortierella.. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 104
Szenzenstein J et al. In vitro susceptibility of Candida parapsilosis, C. metapsilosis and C. orthopsilosis to statins. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 106
Tóth A et al. Synthesis of oligosaccharides by a Rhizomucor miehei beta-glucosidase. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" pp. 109-109
Vágvölgyi Cs et al. In vitro interaction between statins and antifungal agents against medically important fungi. (2010) Megjelent: ISIRR 2010 - 11th International Symposium "Interdisciplinary Regional Research" p. 111
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