Detection and isolation of cell-derived microparticles are compromised by protein complexes resulting from shared biophysical parameters

Gyorgy, B [György, Bence (immunológia), author] Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunology (SU / FM / I); Modos, K [Módos, Károly (Biofizika), author] Departmnet of Biophysics and Radiation Biology (SU / FM / I); Pallinger, E [Pállinger, Éva (Immunológia), author] Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunology (SU / FM / I); Paloczi, K [Pálóczi, Krisztina (immunológia, gene...), author] Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunology (SU / FM / I); Pasztoi, M [Szente-Pásztói, Mária (Gyulladásbiológia), author] MTA-SE Gyulladásbiológiai és Immungenomikai Kut... (MTA TKI); Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunology (SU / FM / I); Misjak, P [Misják, Petra (autoimmunitás, mi...), author] Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunology (SU / FM / I); Deli, MA [Deli, Mária Anna (Neurobiológia, vé...), author] Institute of Biophysics; Sipos, A [Sipos, Áron (Fizika), author] Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics (SZTE / TTIK / FTCS); Szalai, A [Szalai, Anikó (Fizika), author] Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics (SZTE / TTIK / FTCS); Voszka, I [Voszka, István (Biofizika), author] Departmnet of Biophysics and Radiation Biology (SU / FM / I); Polgar, A; Toth, K [Tóth, Kálmán (Orvostudományok), author] Department of Orthopaedics (SZTE / ASZMS); Csete, M [Csete, Mária (Fizika), author] Department of Optics and Quantum Electronics (SZTE / TTIK / FTCS); Nagy, G [Nagy, György (Immunológia), author] Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunology (SU / FM / I); Gay, S; Falus, A [Falus, András (Immunológia, geno...), author] MTA-SE Gyulladásbiológiai és Immungenomikai Kut... (MTA TKI); Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunology (SU / FM / I); Kittel, A** [Kittel, Ágnes (Sejtbiológia), author] Laboratory of Molecular Pharmacology (IEM / DP); Buzas, EI ✉ [Buzás, Edit Irén (Immunbiológia), author] Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunology (SU / FM / I)

English Article (Journal Article) Scientific
Published: BLOOD 0006-4971 1528-0020 117 (4) pp. E39-E48 2011
  • SJR Scopus - Biochemistry: D1
  • Basic medicine
  • Biological sciences
  • Clinical medicine
Numerous diseases, recently reported to associate with elevated microvesicle/microparticle (MP) counts, have also long been known to be characterized by accelerated immune complex (IC) formation. The goal of this study was to investigate the potential overlap between parameters of protein complexes (e.g. ICs or avidin-biotin complexes) and MPs, which might perturb detection and/or isolation of MPs. In this work, after comprehensive characterization of MPs by electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, dynamic light scattering analysis and flow cytometry, for the first time we drive attention to the fact that protein complexes, especially insoluble ICs, overlap in biophysical properties (size, light scattering, sedimentation) with MPs. This, in turn, affects MP quantification by flow cytometry and purification by differential centrifugation, especially in diseases in which IC formation is common, including not only autoimmune diseases, but also hematological disorders, infections and cancer. These data may necessitate reevaluation of certain published data on patient-derived MPs, and contribute to correct the clinical laboratory assessment of the presence and biological functions of MPs in health and disease.
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2024-11-06 05:50