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4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2
Nábrádi, A [Nábrádi, András (Agrárgazdaságtan ...), szerk.] Gazdálkodástudományi Intézet (DE / GTK)
Nagy, SZ A [Nagy, Adrián Szilárd (Gazdálkodás és sz...), szerk.] Gazdálkodástudományi Intézet (DE / GTK)
Dékán, T-né Orbán I [Orbán, Ildikó (Gazdálkodás- és s...), szerk.] Számviteli és Pénzügyi Intézet (DE / GTK)
Fenyves, V [Fenyves, Veronika (Gazdálkodás és sz...), szerk.] Számviteli és Pénzügyi Intézet (DE / GTK)
Lazányi, J [Lazányi, János (Fenntartható mező...), szerk.] Vidékfejlesztés, Turizmus- és Sportmenedzsment ... (DE / GTK)
Várallyai, L [Várallyai, László (Agrárinformatika), szerk.] Alkalmazott Informatika és Logisztika Intézet (DE / GTK)
Angol nyelvű Konferenciakötet (Könyv) Tudományos
Megjelent: University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Magyarország, 1461 p.
4th International Congress on the Aspects and Visions of applied Economics and Informatics, AVA Congress 4 2009-03-26 [Debrecen, Magyarország]
MTMT: 1330436
Csoba L et al. From environmental management systems to really responsible corporations. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2
Kormosné Koch Krisztina et al. Long term viability of organic farming. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2
Nagy Lajos. Reducing sales risk by adapting optimal wheat selling strategies. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2
Tikász IE et al. National Survey Regarding the Consumption Habits of “Farm Chicken” Products in Hungary. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2
Felföldi J. Organisational issues and experiences on agro-food producers in Hungary. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 p. 1
Kinga Ódor et al. From environmental management systems to really responsible corporations. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1-9
Lengyel P et al. Experiences and possibilities in e-Learning materials development. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1-6
Müller Anetta. The Role of the Ski Tourism in the Academic Specialisation Student's camp. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1-8
Péter Zs et al. The financial management system as functional strategy in the corporation competitiveness. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 p. 1
Popovics P A et al. Contractual relations between milk processors and retailers, or development of the market power in the upper stage of the Hungarian dairy sector. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1-14
Varga Levente. KAVA Model Testing on Agricultural Exhibitions.. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1-9
Pálfi Judith. The efficiency of the EU's direct agricultural subsidies in Hargita county, Romania: Agricultural subsidies in practice. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 9-14
Buzás F E et al. The Value of the Enterprise and its Influencing Factor. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 p. 33
Posta L et al. Rental Conditions of Land Nowadays in Hungary. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 p. 39
Kenesei Zsófia et al. The role of emotions and perceived control in the recovery strategy of service companies. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 p. 50
Chrappan Gy et al. Őszi takarmányborsó (Pisum sativum L. ssp. arvense var. hibernum). (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 p. 72
Nótári Márta. Analysis of quality factors of horticultural hungaricum products. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 90-94
Balogh V. Consumption Situation The Food Market Of Animal Origin. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 98-103
Bartha A et al. EU enlargement of hungarian meat market. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 104-108
Kiss Gábor. The Analysing Of The Computer Science Learning Habits In The First Year On The Budapest Tech. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 114-118
Szép Angéla et al. Estimate the cost of water treatment technologies. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 127-134
Szőllősi L. Inner Connection and Value Generation in the Hungarian Broiler Product Chain. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 135-140
Somogyi Andrea et al. The energy-safety in terms of land utilization.. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 147-153
Jámbor Attila et al. Revealed comparative advantages of Hungarian cereals on EU15 markets. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 208-216
Lencsés E et al. Changes in costs of precision nutrition depending on crop rotation. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 217-224
Kátai J et al. The effect of bentonite on specific soil parameters and microbial characteristics of the carbon cycle. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 247-255
Nagy A et al. Overview study on project management at some Hungarian agricultural enterprises. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 264-267
Pető Károly. Agricultural potentials and factors influencing regional and sectoral competitiveness. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 268-271
Cehla Béla et al. Boundary conditions of pofitable sheep breeding through the example of a milking sheep stock. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 272-278
Vizdák K et al. The analysis of the economical connections of machine operation. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 284-292
Véha Antal et al. EnvironmentalProtection as Part of Marketing and Logistics Strategy in Central and Eatern Europe. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 356-359
Loncaric R et al. Consumers' attitudes analysis regarding organic food in Eastern Croatia. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 411-418
Loncaric R et al. Computer model for predicting organic food consumer behavior in Croatia.. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 419-426
Lőrinczi Krisztián. Health factor in soft drink consumption, German example. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 427-432
Lehota József et al. Development of Traceability in Hungarian Fresh Vegetable and Fruit Sector. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 446-452
Szakály Z et al. Consumer habits on the market of Hungarian beef and rabbit market.. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 461-467
Georgina Arvane Vanyi et al. Evaluation of Honey Consumption in the Main Cities of the North-Great Plain Region. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 510-515
Komáromi Nándor et al. CRM Solutions in Practice. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 516-522
Gaceu L et al. EDUCATION IN FOOD AND TOURISM AREA USING MOODLE MANAGEMENT COURSES SYSTEM IN TRANSILVANIA UNIVERSITY OF BRASOV. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 548-555
Judit T Kiss. An analysis of the differences in returns to education by educational levels and gender. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 561-567
Lengyel P et al. Implementing learning design by LAMS to improve teaching and learning. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 568-573
Tomory E. The Canadian Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive Program: An Entrepreneurial Perspective. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 617-622
Tóth Réka. Production efficiency in higher education. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 629-636
Simon Szilvia. The effect of the implementation of consolidation on the assets and financial and income position of consern operating in the food industry. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 637-645
Bácsné Bába Éva. The connection between the time factor and the manager functions. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 682-688
Dajnoki K et al. Experiences of equal employment oppurtunity management. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 689-996
Ferencz Árpád et al. Work organization and economic examination of breadwinning of rurality. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 712-716
Dienesné Kovács Erzsébet et al. Examining some fields within human resources management. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 723-731
Juhász Csilla. Financial and moral benefits in hungarian food industry Sector.. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 732-740
OLÁH JUDIT. Review and assessment of Hungarian and EU-funded research and dissemination projects. (2007) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 741-748
Szabados György et al. Traditions and conditions in seasonal and temporary working in the Hungarian agricultural sector. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 761-766
Vántus A. Relationship between the human and technical factors of workplaces. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 767-771
Völgyiné Nadabán M et al. Clusters: definitions, tipology and characteristics of some clusters in the Észak-Alföld Region. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 772-779
Nótári M. Analysis of Quality Factors of Horticultural Hungaricum. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 780-784
Gergely Éva et al. The analysis of some issues concerning performance management and motivation. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 785-792
Botos Szilvia. Development of NGN in Hungary and its expected rural development concerns. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 824-829
Szilágyi R et al. E-government readiness – where are we going? A short overview of E-government in Hungary. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 837-845
Zsótér Brigitta et al. Role of local cable television company of Mezohegyes in life of a rural town and analysis of assets from 2003-2006. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 846-848
Cebeci Z et al. DEVELOPMENT OF AN ICT-BASED TRACEABILITY SYSTEM IN COMPOUND FEED INDUSTRY. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 854-863
Füzesi István et al. Application of modern traceability systems and data storage technologies by Hungarian meat companies. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 876-883
Rózsa T et al. Business value of information technology in small and medium sized companies. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 892-901
Bakó Mária et al. Groupware case study at Faculty of Informatics of University of Debrecen: Lotus TeamRoom. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 907-912
Kaderják Gyula et al. Open source CRM systems. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 913-919
Berecz P. Tools of business process modeling. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 920-927
Kehl Dániel et al. Electricity price model for food producing companies. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 944-951
Herdon M. Impacts of e-collaboration tools for development of rural areas. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 952-959
Szénás Sz et al. New informatical demands in the agricultural government. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 960-965
Cseh András. Evalutaion e-services for farmers. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 966-974
Vargáné Csobán Katalin et al. An Analysis of the Strategies for Sustainable Development Based on the Principles of Sustainable Tourism. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 984-990
Fieldsend Andrew et al. HVTK and the Cross-border Rural Network: Partners in Rural Development. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1020-1026
Magda Sándor et al. Possibilities of the sustainable development of the rural economy. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1045-1056
Bakucz Márta et al. The Rationale for Increased Support for Spa Tourism Development in South Transdanubia. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1070-1078
ANTAL JÓZSEF et al. Examination of job creations possibilities of SRF plants in rural araes in Hungary. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1102-1106
József Antal et al. Examination and vision on job creation possibilities of SRF plants in rural area. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 p. 1102
Jenei Tünde. Geothermal energy applications in agriculture. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1107-1112
Bittner Beáta et al. Difficulties of diversification and alternative crops to tobacco in European Union. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1121-1127
Pintér G et al. Rural development through renewable energy in the region of Keszthely-Hévíz. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1150-1158
Barabás Kincső Ágnes. Similarities of and differences between the institutional systems of agricultural waste management in France and Hungary. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1159-1164
Gálné H I et al. Some Educational and Logistic Aspects of Mental Mapping of Rural Areas: A mentális térképezés néhány oktatási és logisztikai aspektusa vidéki területekre értelmezve. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1165-1168
Nagy Ágoston. The regional role of sport. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1169-1181
Darabos Éva et al. Cultural and social accomlishments of agricultural companies as contribitions to the development of rural areas.. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1203-1208
Lazányi J. Methane emission from enteric fermentation in Hungary. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1225-1230
József Ákos Papdi. The economic potential of industrial parks in the micro-regions of the Northern Great Plain Region. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1242-1250
Galó Miklós et al. Relationship tests within heterogeneous population. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1263-1273
Lazányi K.. Deliberate Emotions – Emotional Work. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1263-1268
Pásztor Szabolcs et al. Relationship Tests within Heterogeneous Populations. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1263-1273
Kiss Judit et al. The importance of logic planning in case of IT and innovation projects. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1274-1283
Kosztyán Zsolt Tibor et al. A new approach to forecasting conformity treating measurement uncertainty in SPC. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1295-1304
Tarnóczi Tibor. Constraint Logic Programming in the Financial Budgeting and Analysis. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1305-1309
Grasselli Gábor et al. Economy calculations of the material and energy flows int the biogas process. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1310-1316
Szőke Sz et al. Examination of pig farm technology by computer simulation. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1317-1325
Balogh P et al. Is integration the way to the future of the pig sector?. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1326-1332
Ertsey Imre et al. Comparative analysis of the production risk of major fruit species.. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 p. 1339
Csipkés Margit. Energy orchards economic analysis in Hungary. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1351-1358
Fenyves V et al. The evaluation of statistics of Hungary's payment balance between 2005 and 2007. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1359-1363
Nagy Lajos. ADAPTATION OF OPTIMAL CEREAL-MARKETING STRATEGIES IN ORDER TO REDUCE MARKET RISK. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1376-1381
Kovács Tibor. Tourism development and human resources – the Hungarian answer. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1402-1408
Árva László et al. Specificities of Educational Tourism related spending at Eastern Hungarian Universities.. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 p. 1409
Dávid Lóránt et al. Destination Management: Necessity and Tasks of Tourism Destination Management in Hungary. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1425-1431
Szabó B et al. The possible mutual territories of agriculture and rural tourism in the northern great plain region of Hungary. (2009) Megjelent: 4th International Congress on the Aspects and Vision of Applied Economics and Informatics, Vols. 1-2 pp. 1441-1445
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