Efferent projections of ProTRH neurons in the ventrolateral periaqueductal gray

Mihaly, E [Mihály, Emese (belgyógyászat, ga...), author]; Legradi, G; Fekete, C [Fekete, Csaba (Neuroendokrinológia), author] Laboratory of Endocrine Neurobiology (IEM / DEN); Lechan, RM ✉

English Article (Journal Article) Scientific
Published: BRAIN RESEARCH 0006-8993 1872-6240 919 (2) pp. 185-197 2001
  • SJR Scopus - Neurology (clinical): Q1
  • Basic medicine
  • Biological sciences
  • Clinical medicine
Citation styles: IEEEACMAPAChicagoHarvardCSLCopyPrint
2025-02-25 12:32