Rohacs J. Safety aspects of the personal air transportation system. (2010) Megjelent: 27th International Congress of the Aeronautical sciences, ICAS (International council of the Aeronautical Sciences)
Rohacs D et al. Analysis of the Impact of a Future Small Aircraft on ATM in Europe. (2005) Megjelent: Proceedings of IX Air Transport Research Society World Conference (ATRS),
Rohacs J. Safety aspects of the personal air transportation system. (2010) Megjelent: 27th International Congress of the Aeronautical sciences, ICAS (International council of the Aeronautical Sciences)
Rohacs J. Evaluation of the air transport efficiency definitions and their impact on the European personal air transportation system development. (2010) TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF AVIATION 0509-6669 2300-5408 205 3 14-32
Rohacs D et al. Preliminary Analysis of Small Aircraft Traffic Characteristics and its Interaction on ATM for European Market Attributes. (2005) Megjelent: 4th EUROCONTROL Innovative Research Workshop & Exhibition 2005 pp. 143-149,
Matiychyk O et al. INTEGRATION OF TILTROTOR AIRCRAFT INTO MODERN AIR TRANSPORT SYSTEMS. (2017) Megjelent: Proceedings of the 20th Conference for Junior Researchers ‘Science – Future of Lithuania’ pp. 47-51
Rohacs J. Evaluation of the air transport efficiency definitions and their impact on the European personal air transportation system development. (2010) TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF AVIATION 0509-6669 2300-5408 205 3 14-32
Delaurentis Daniel A. et al. Understanding the Implications for Airports of Distributed Air Transportation Using a System-of-Systems Approach. (2008) TRANSPORTATION PLANNING AND TECHNOLOGY 0308-1060 1029-0354 31 1 69-92
Horst Hering et al. Migration of Analogue Radio to a Cellular System Sector Change without Frequency Change. (2007) Megjelent: Proceedings of the 6th Innovative Research Workshop and Exhibition, EUROCONTROL
Rohacs D. An Initial European Small Aircraft Prediction Model for 2020. (2006) Megjelent: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Research in Air Transportation (ICRAT 2006) pp. 431-439,
Rohacs D. The Effect of Income and Total Operating Cost on Small Aircraft Accessibility in Europe: a prediction for 2020. (2006) Megjelent: Proceedings of the 5th Innovative Research Workshop and Exhibition pp. 9-13,
Rohacs J. Evaluation of the air transport efficiency definitions and their impact on the European personal air transportation system development. (2010) TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF AVIATION 0509-6669 2300-5408 205 3 14-32
Rohács Dániel. Non-linear prediction model for the European small aircraft accessibility for 2020: Az európai kisrepülőgépek elérhetőségének nemlineáris előrejelző modellje 2020-ra. (2007),
Kisgyorgy et al. Integrating Uncertainties and Stochastic Effects Into Transportation Network Models at Trip Generation. (2014) Megjelent: 4th Scientific-Technical Conference Trip modelling and traffic forecasting pp. 179-194
Geudens J E et al. Facilitating the Future: On the Development of a Multimodal Choice Model to Estimate the Demand for PAT in Europe. (2012) Megjelent: Air Transport and Operations : Proceedings of the Second International Air Transport and Operations Symposium 2011 (ATOS 2) pp. 282-291
Geudens Jef. Facilitating the Future: ont he development of a multimodal choice model to estimate the demand for personal air transport in Europe. (2011)
Baron A. Intelligent Personalized Air Transportation System (IPATS). (2010) TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF AVIATION 0509-6669 2300-5408 2010 3 104-118
Rohács J. Roadmap Development for a New Transportation System. (2007) Megjelent: Transport Means 2007, Proceedings of the 11th International conference pp. 5-9
Soltész Angéla et al. A kocatartás termelési és gazdasági kockázatának vizsgálata. (2013) Megjelent: Agricultural Informatics 2013 International Conference pp. 101-110
Rohacs D. Non-linear probabilistic prediction of the Small Aircraft accessibility: A European model for the piston, turboprop and jet Aircraft. (2007) Megjelent: Transport Means - 2007 : proceedings of the 11th international conference pp. 43-46,
Rohacs D. Potential European Small Aircraft Prediction and Demand Models. (2007) Megjelent: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Mathematical Problems in Aviation and Aerospace (ICNPAA) pp. 605-616,
Bicsák Gy et al. Verification of a Cost Efficient Solution to Simulate the Air Flow Conditions in an Oil-to-Air Heat Exchanger of a Small Aircraft Applying Porous Materials. (2015) Megjelent: Repüléstudományi Konferencia pp. 253-271
Bicsák György et al. Electromagnetic Brake/Drive Unit design for small aircraft environmentally friendly ground operations. (2015) Megjelent: IFFK 2015: Innováció és fenntartható felszíni közlekedés pp. 106-114
Sothern California Association. Regional General Aviation Forecast Ohase I. technical report, December, 2011, Los Angelos, prepared for Aviation technical Advisory Committee, Metting february 16, 2012. (2012)
Kutatási jelentés (közzétett) (Egyéb) | Nem besorolt jellegű[31909674] [Nyilvános]
Rohacs J. Evaluation of the air transport efficiency definitions and their impact on the European personal air transportation system development. (2010) TRANSACTIONS OF THE INSTITUTE OF AVIATION 0509-6669 2300-5408 205 3 14-32
Bicsak Gy et al. Developing New Project Management Tools for Small Aeronautical Companies. (2010) Megjelent: International Conference on Innovative Technologies, IN-TECH 2010 pp. 386-389,
Wangai Agnes et al. Influences Of Economic Cycles On Future Sustainable Air Transport. (2019) Megjelent: International Symposium On Sustainable Aviation (ISSA-2019) pp. 96-100
Jankovics R I et al. Some Comments on the Aircraft Accident Statistics. (2010) REPÜLÉSTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK (1997-TŐL) 1417-0604 1789-770X 22 2,
Rohacs D et al. Development of an Active Conflict Detection and Resolution Method for General Aviation. (2010) Megjelent: XIV Conference on Merchanics in Aviation = Mechanika w Lotnictwie, ML-XIV 2010, vol 1 pp. 61-70,
Rohacs J et al. Safety Aspects and System Improvements for Personal Air Transportation System. (2010) Megjelent: Research and Education in Aircraft Design 2010 International Conference (READ 2010),
Iwaniuk Andrzej et al. Preliminary design and optimization for fleet to be used in the Small Air Transport system. (2018) PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART G-JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 0954-4100 2041-3025 232 14 2615-2626
Piwek Krzysztof et al. Small air transport aircraft entry requirements evoked by FlightPath 2050. (2016) AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY 1748-8842 1758-4213 88 2 341-347
Rohacs D. An Emission Model to Assess the Environmental Load of Different Personal Aircraft Configurations. (2011) Megjelent: Air Transport and Operations : Proceedings of the Second International Air Transport and Operations Symposium 2011 (ATOS 2) pp. 292-298,
Schollaart Vincent P. Development of a Small Air Transport Model to Find the Most PRofitable Business Model and its Ecological and Safety Impact. (2012)
Jankovics I R et al. Motion Simulation Model of a Special Acrobatic Aircraft. (2012) Megjelent: Proceedings of the 12th MINI Conference on Vehicle System Dynamics, Identification and Anomalies pp. 393-401,
Hargitai Csaba et al. Simulator Demonstrations of Different Retrofit Options of a Self-propelled Inland Vessel. (2019) PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 0303-7800 1587-3811 47 2 111-117
Rohacs Jozsef. Goal- and Object-Oriented Models of the Aerodynamic Coefficients. (2018) Megjelent: Flight Physics - Models, Techniques and Technologies pp. 159-191
Foroozan Zare et al. Novel Application of Inverse Design Method by Means of Redesigning Compressor Stator Vanes in a Research Jet Engine. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the 15th mini conference on vehicle system dynamics, identification and anomalies pp. 261-279
Hargitai C.L.. New added mass calculation method for Inland vessels. (2016) Megjelent: Proceedings of the 15th mini conference on vehicle system dynamics, identification and anomalies pp. 289-299
Nagy András. INVESTIGATION ON TURNING CHARACTERISTICS OF PARAGLIDERS. (2015) Megjelent: Proceedings of the 14th mini conference on vehicle system dynamics, identification and anomalies pp. 359-365
Hargitai L Cs et al. A belvízi hajózási szimulátorok lehetőségei és korlátai. (2015) Megjelent: IFFK 2015: Innováció és fenntartható felszíni közlekedés pp. 115-119
Rohacs D et al. Active Conflict Detection and Resolution Method for the Personal Aircraft Transportation Systems. (2012) Megjelent: Proceedings of the 12th MINI Conference on Vehicle System Dynamics, Identification and Anomalies pp. 385-391,
Rohács József et al. A repülésbiztonság problémája és fejlesztési elvei. (2013) REPÜLÉSTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK (1997-TŐL) 1417-0604 1789-770X 2013 3 39-55
Rohacs J. et al. GABRIEL operational concept. (2012),
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Majka A R. The green trajectory of an aircraft aided during take-off by ground-based system using magnetic levitation technology. (2016) AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY 1748-8842 1758-4213 88 3 432-440
Majka A.. Ekologiczne aspekty wspomagania startu samolotu systemem wykorzystującym zjawisko magnetycznej lewitacji. (2015) LOGISTYKA 1231-5478 2015 4 593-602
Peter Schmollgruber. Development of a Certification Module tailored to Aircraft Multidisciplinary Design Optimization. (2015) Megjelent: 5th CEAS Air & Space Conference Book of Abstracts pp. 1-15
Majka A.. Perspektywiczne metody obniżenia uciążliwości ruchu lotniczego w rejonie lotniska komunikacyjnego. (2014) PRZEGLAD KOMUNIKACYJNY 0033-2232 2544-6037 2014 11 48-52
Majka A.. Flight path optimization of an aircraft aided during take-off by maglev system. (2013) JOURNAL OF KONES: POWERTRAIN AND TRANSPORT 1231-4005 2354-0133 20 2 261-268
Nagy Andras et al. Advanced Data Acquisition System for Wind Energy Applications. (2019) PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 0303-7800 1587-3811 47 2 124-130
Beneda Károly et al. Linear Mathematical Model for State-Space Representation of Small Scale Turbojet Engine with Variable Exhaust Nozzle. (2018) PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 0303-7800 1587-3811 46 1 1-10
Gál István et al. Developing the unmanned unconventional cargo airplanes with hybrid propulsion system. (2018) Megjelent: 31st Congress of the International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences, ICAS 2018
Majka A R. The green trajectory of an aircraft aided during take-off by ground-based system using magnetic levitation technology. (2016) AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY 1748-8842 1758-4213 88 3 432-440
Majka A R. The green trajectory of an aircraft aided during take-off by ground-based system using magnetic levitation technology. (2016) AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY 1748-8842 1758-4213 88 3 432-440
Wu P et al. Take-Off and Landing Using Ground-Based Power-Simulation of Critical Landing Load Cases Using Multibody Dynamics. (2016) JOURNAL OF AEROSPACE ENGINEERING 0893-1321 1943-5525 29 3
Majka A.. Ekologiczne aspekty wspomagania startu samolotu systemem wykorzystującym zjawisko magnetycznej lewitacji. (2015) LOGISTYKA 1231-5478 2015 4 593-602
Majka A.. Optymalizacja niekonwencjonalnego startu samolotu wspomaganego w fazie rozbiegu systemem MAGLEV. (2014) PRACE NAUKOWE POLITECHNIKI WARSZAWSKIEJ-TRANSPORT 1230-9265 2014 57-66
Poudel K. Design of Magnetic Levitation Assisted Landing and Take-off mechanism of Aircraft using Hammock Concept. (2014) INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING RESEARCH AND GENERAL SCIENCE 2091-2730 2 3 6-13
Majka Andrzej Robert. Take-off aided by magnetic levitation technology. (2013) AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY 1748-8842 1758-4213 85 6 435-442
Majka A.. Analysis of the required thrust of an aircraft aided during take-off and landing by ground-based system using magnetic levitation technology. (2013) Megjelent: 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition 2013
Majka A.. Evaluation of the required ground power of a ground-based system for support of the aircraft safe take-off and landing. (2012) JOURNAL OF KONES: POWERTRAIN AND TRANSPORT 1231-4005 2354-0133 2012 19 411-418
Majka A. Analiza potencjalnych korzyści wynikających z zastosowania systemu wspomagania startu samolotu transportowego, wykorzystującego zjawisko lewitacji magnetyczne. (2012)
Kutatási jelentés (közzétett) (Egyéb) | Tudományos[31956741] [Nyilvános]
Rohacs J et al. Ride Control for the Personal Plane. (2012) Megjelent: Proceedings of the 28th International Congress of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) pp. 3055-3065,
Beneda Károly. Development of a modular FADEC for small scale turbojet engine. (2016) Megjelent: SAMI 2016 : IEEE 14th International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics pp. 51-56
Pásztor Endre et al. A TKT-1 kisméretű, oktatási és kutatási célú gázturbinás sugárhajtómű első tíz éve. (2015) REPÜLÉSTUDOMÁNYI KÖZLEMÉNYEK (1997-TŐL) 1417-0604 1789-770X 27 3 117-132
Baburin Róbert et al. Using UAVs in Education to Support the Development of Engineering Skills. (2013) Megjelent: ERBA 2013: Proceedings of the 1st International Scientific Workshop "Extremal and Record-Breaking flights of the UAVs and the A... pp. 91-103,
Nagy Andras et al. Advanced Data Acquisition System for Wind Energy Applications. (2019) PERIODICA POLYTECHNICA TRANSPORTATION ENGINEERING 0303-7800 1587-3811 47 2 124-130
Piwek Krzysztof et al. Small air transport aircraft entry requirements evoked by FlightPath 2050. (2016) AIRCRAFT ENGINEERING AND AEROSPACE TECHNOLOGY 1748-8842 1758-4213 88 2 341-347