Citation relation

Orton Frances et al. A review of non-destructive biomonitoring techniques to assess the impacts of pollution on reproductive health in frogs and toads. (2023) ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 0147-6513 1090-2414 262

Nemesházi Edina et al. Novel genetic sex markers reveal unexpected lack of, and similar susceptibility to, sex reversal in free-living common toads in both natural and anthropogenic habitats. (2022) MOLECULAR ECOLOGY 0962-1083 1365-294X 31 7 2032-2043
Orton Frances et al. A review of non-destructive biomonitoring techniques to assess the impacts of pollution on reproductive health in frogs and toads. (2023) ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 0147-6513 1090-2414 262
External citation: Yes
2024-10-07 01:52